The vibrant games community at Northeastern comes together from across the disciplines represented at the University. Faculty support the academic programs from within the College of Arts Media and Design, from the Khoury College of Computer Sciences, and from the Bouvé College of Health Sciences.


I joined the faculty at Northeastern to engage in interdisciplinary game research and involve students in experiential learning opportunities that span traditional fields of study.

Associate Professor Leanne Chukoskie

I joined the games faculty at Northeastern for the opportunity to pursue research identifying game design patterns while immediately using those insights to instruct the next generation of game designers.

Associate Professor Chris Barney

I joined the Games faculty at Northeastern because interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary work is so clearly valued and supported here.

Assistant Professor Alexandra To

Students work toward undergraduate, graduate, and certificate programs while participating in the many game-related clubs and groups around campus. Most games students participate in one of more coops with game development studios and research groups around the world. And many participate in the game jams, game development conferences, and conventions hosted on campus and throughout the city.