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Amy Lu

Mike Shah, Associate Teaching Professor, Area Chair Teaching Innovation

Exploring the psychological and behavioral effects of interactive media technologies for health promotion.

Focus Areas:
games for health – narratives – child obesity – health technology – behavioral science


Dynamic Vertex Hierarchies for Parallel View-Dependent Progressive Meshes

Research by six members of the Northeastern community was recently published in a special issue of the Journal of Sport and Health Science (Impact Factor: 5.2) highlighting the application of E-health programs in physical activity and health promotion. The study entitled “Active video games in fully immersive virtual reality elicit moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and improve cognitive performance in sedentary college students: VR elicits MVPA and improves cognition,” was published in May 2021. 

interior abstract of ISEC building

Narrative Immersion for Effective Health Behavior Intervention

One of the oldest and still most pervasive forms of communication, narratives may be especially powerful because of their unique capacity of “transportation,” or immersion. This line of inquiry explores: How can stories be used to promote behavior change through active video games and virtual reality? What are the behavioral consequences? What are the psychophysiological mechanisms?

Publications – Keywords – Narrative / Persuasion / RCT …

walking on northeastern campus